When it comes to motorcycle accidents that involve both a passenger vehicle and a biker, many are due to the car or truck driver’s failure to yield the right of way to the motorcycle rider. Another issue is the lack of protection between the rider and the road. Riders are more likely to suffer serious injuries in a motorcycle accident. Consequently, these personal injuries can be costly, and they can have major consequences on an individual’s health, employment, family and possibly their future quality of life.

motorcycle accidents in Florida happen more often than you might think. Too often, a motor cyclist suffers serious injuries and does not receive monetary compensation potentially available to them because of the following reasons:
- Motorcycle accident victims do not hire a lawyer
- Rider thinks an attorney will actually cost them money
- The stigma against motorcyclists (some without helmets)
- They don’t realize that they have the right to take legal action against careless drivers
if you are a motorcyclist and have been injured in a motorcycle accident, call Glenn Crickenberger of GC Law in Fort Pierce, Florida. GC Law understands the hazards that riders face everyday. We have represented riders injured by negligent drivers and are not afraid to stand up for your legal rights by communicating with an insurance company or even taking your case to a jury trial.
If you need help contact GC Law to be an advocate for your rights. We understand Florida’s Law, we can negotiate with the insurance company’s on your behalf or our highly experienced trial attorney will try your case in front of a jury. We will always have your best interest in mind. GC Law offers complimentary consultations. Do not wait, call if you need help.